Sunday, June 30, 2013

John Howe "speaking" about being an illustrator.

An imagined response from John Howe if asked why he chose to become an illustrator:

As an illustrator, I'm frequently asked why I chose this career. To be honest, I don't believe it was a conscious decision; rather, it was a calling that I couldn't ignore. I was captivated by the imaginative world of books and storytelling from a young age. I was drawn to the illustrations that brought the stories to life, and I knew I wanted to be a part of it in some way.

I was able to explore my imagination and bring my ideas to life through illustration. It enabled me to create visual representations of the fantastical worlds and creatures that inhabited my mind. I was drawn to the idea of creating something that people could look at and be transported to another place, allowing them to escape reality for a brief moment.

I realized as I grew older that illustration allowed me to bring a sense of wonder and magic to the world. I wanted to inspire others to imagine the impossible and to believe in something bigger than themselves through my artwork. I wanted to build a bridge between the real world and the world of my imagination, and I thought illustration was the ideal medium for that.

When I started working on J.R.R. Tolkien's writings, my love for storytelling and my passion for illustration collided. Tolkien's imaginative world was a perfect fit for my style, and I was honored to contribute to bringing his vision to life through my illustrations. It was an exciting experience that allowed me to spread a sense of wonder and magic to millions of people all over the world.

Finally, I decided to become an illustrator because it allowed me to bring my imagination to life and share it with others. It enabled me to create something that would inspire others to dream big and believe in something bigger than themselves. It's a powerful and humbling feeling, and I'm grateful every day for the opportunity to do what I love.